Employment Locations
Achieve your goals and reach your full potential.
YMCA Employment Service Centre Locations
YMCA Employment Services offers self-directed, independent job search services as well as one-on-one job search support with an Employment Specialist.
Drop in services include computers for resume and cover letter preparation, internet access, a resource library, assessment tools, job search workshops and fax, photocopy, and telephone use for job search.
One-on-one services include an employment assessment, mentoring and coaching from an employment specialist, job matching and placement, possible financial incentives, job retention assistance and an intensive assisted job search and coaching program. Self-employment and re-training programs can also be accessed through our one-on-one services.
Do you need help with your job search or career planning? Contact us to book an intake interview today and learn more!
334 King Street
Midland, Ontario
L4R 3M8
Phone: (705) 528-0845
Fax: (705) 528-0846
Email: midlanderc@sm.ymca.ca
Phone and remote service:
9:00am – 4:30pm Monday – Friday
Drop-In Service & Appointments:
10:00am – 3:00pm Monday – Friday
60 King William Street
Huntsville, Ontario
P1H 1G3
Phone: (705) 787-0349
Fax: (705) 787-0512
Email: huntsvilleerc@sm.ymca.ca
Phone and remote service:
9:00am – 4:30pm Monday – Friday
Drop-In Service & Appointments:
9:00am – 4:30pm Monday – Friday

60 James Street Suite 303
Parry Sound, Ontario
P2A 1T5
Phone: (705) 746-8480
Fax: (705) 746-7768
Email: parrysound.erc@sm.ymca.ca
Phone and remote service:
9:00am – 4:30pm Monday – Friday
Drop-In Service & Appointments:
10:00am – 2:00pm Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
Email a staff member with your questions:
Huntsville | Parry Sound | Midland

This Employment Ontario service is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.