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How Many Calories Are You Really Burning?

Keep track of how many calories you burn in a workout

Ever complete a workout but wonder just how hard you actually worked? Calories are tricky increments of measurement that sometimes leave us confused. We know we worked hard, but how many did we burn?

Your calorie burn depends upon your weight, gender, age, body composition, the activity you are doing and the intensity level you are exercising at. When it comes to fitness, understanding calories can help you maximize your workout.

  • Physical activities can be done at a variety of intensity levels. Higher intensity levels mean you’ll be working harder, expending more energy and burning more calories than someone working out at a leisurely level.

  • Gender and age will partly determine how many calories you burn when exercising.

  • The more you weigh, the more calories you burn when exercising. This is because your body has to use more energy and effort to get moving.

  • The activity you choose to do determines how many calories you burn.

Let’s look at some exercises offered at MyY Wasaga Beach and learn how much you can expect to burn at a weight of 150 lbs:

Step at MyY Wasaga Beach: Burn approximately 455 calories in 45 minutes.

Step includes choreographed and athletic patterns for a cardiovascular and lower body conditioning workout. Step movements work a number of muscles — it’s a great way to improve your coordination while toning and defining legs and glutes.

Zumba at MyY Wasaga Beach: Burn approximately 320 calories in 45 minutes.

Who said working out wasn’t fun? Zumba is a spicy new program that combines Latin and international music with hot dance steps. Learning a new routine is the perfect way to get your heart rate up.

Group Cycling at MyY Wasaga Beach: Burn approximately 480 calories in 45 minutes.

Group Cycling is a great cardio workout appropriate for all fitness levels. Participants can adjust their workout to match their individual fitness level. As with any physical activity, the harder and longer you work, the more you can expect to burn.

Yoga at MyY Wasaga Beach: Burn approximately 135 calories in 45 minutes.

Through postures, meditation and breathing exercises, Yoga teaches you to bring yourself to a peaceful frame of mind. Yoga has many health benefits in addition to calories burned, including elevating your mood, reducing your chances of developing chronic diseases and lowering your stress levels. Over time, Yoga improves your flexibility and balance and builds muscle that continues burning calories long after you’ve left your mat.

Boot Camp at MyY Wasaga Beach: Burn approximately 600 to 900 calories per one-hour class.

Get enlisted! This class is a dynamic and challenging workout that combines cardio fitness, muscular strength and endurance exercises. At MyY Wasaga, Boot Camp options to choose from include Basic Training for Beginners, Resolution Boot Camp and Beach Blanket Boot Camp. It’s a total-body workout that leaves no muscle underworked.

Total Body Conditioning (TBC) at MyY Wasaga Beach: Burn approximately 105 calories in 30 minutes.

TBC is a high-energy class. It combines cardio intervals and muscle conditioning using a variety of resistance apparatus and core and body exercises. If you’re looking to add any one thing to your lifestyle to increase your health and overall well being, strength training should be it. Its a great way to increase your metabolic rate and help your body burn more calories throughout the day. It also increases your lean muscle mass and overall strength, allowing you to work out longer and have more energy.

Pump Circuit at MyY Wasaga Beach: Burn up to an approximated 10 calories a minute.

Pump Circuit is a workout that leaves no time for boredom! This total body conditioning class starts with an active warm-up that burns calories from the get-go. The muscle conditioning portion of Pump Circuit includes training with a variety of resistance apparatus to improve core stability, strength, endurance, flexibility and posture.

The more you know, the better you can judge your performance during your next workout. Use this general guide to help you track your progress and reach your fitness goals. But remember: it’s not always about the burn, it’s about looking and feeling your personal best!

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