What is Planned Giving?
It’s simple. A planned or legacy gift ensures you’ll continue supporting the causes close to you in the future.
If you plan for your legacy during your lifetime, you can see first-hand the difference your support will make for many children, youth, and families across Simcoe County, Muskoka, and the District of Parry Sound.
What are my options?
There are numerous options available, but don’t worry – we’ll talk you through it.
Your choices include:
Gift for the Future
A charitable bequest can be as simple as adding a sentence or two in your Will, or a codicil appended to your present Will.
You can designate all or some of the funds in your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) or Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) to support the YMCA.
Life Insurance
Enables you to provide a significant future gift at a very modest current cost.
Gift for the Present
A gift of cash is a simple way to give.
Transfer your stocks to receive a tax receipt for the market value at time of transfer.
Gifts that Give Back
Some planned gifts “pay you back” by paying you income or allowing you to enjoy the use of your property even after you have given it to the YMCA.
• Gift Annuities
• Charitable Remainder Trust
• Gift of Residual Interest
Please note that this information is general in nature.
We encourage you to contact and consult your own legal and financial counsel in the development of your financial estate plans.
Start Your Legacy Today
It’s time to start a conversation… with your family.
What do you want your legacy to look like after you’re gone? How would you like to be remembered by future generations?
For many people, legacy means family and community – a family and community that share your values, support each other and reach their full potential. You can help make that happen!
Ask yourself and your family, what would happen if you shared your estate with your children and YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka? What impact would that make on your children – for example, if they were to receive one third of your estate rather than one-half? Would it really make that much of a difference to their quality of life? At the same time, think of the impact it could make on their community: safe, affordable housing; food security; quality summer day camps for all; access to YMCA Family Fitness Centres…
Many people believe legacy giving is for “rich” people – but think about it, your home alone is probably worth over $500,000! Isn’t that an estate worth sharing? Split three ways instead of two creates a substantial gift to your children and the community.
Have that first conversation with your family today!
It’s time to start a conversation … with your lawyer.
First question: do you have a will? Second question: is it up to date? Last question: if the answer to questions 1 or 2 is “no” – what are you waiting for?
Over 56% of adult Canadians do not have a will. This means 56% of adult Canadians are leaving all final decisions about their estate to the government – who the beneficiaries will be, who will administer their estate, and who will become guardians of any dependent children. There will be no consideration given to minimizing taxes (thus reducing the amount of your estate going to your beneficiaries). Is this really what you want to happen to the estate you have worked so hard to build?
Creating and/or updating your will is the first step. While you are preparing for that first step, you may want to consider leaving a bequest to the YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka. Over the years, you have supported the YMCA’s programs and services; why not continue that support in perpetuity.
Family first, of course, and others who hold a special place in your heart. Supporting the YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka and/or other charities can impact those people as well – by reducing taxes and leaving more in the estate for them, but more importantly through the impact made by the YMCA in the very community your family and loved ones live. Think about it, a legacy that lives on for your grandchildren and their grandchildren.
Don’t wait, start the conversation today and make an impact forever.
It’s time to start a conversation… with your financial advisors.
You’ve worked all your life to support your family and your community. Your estate could be worth more than you think. Talking to an estate planner, an accountant, your investment advisor and/or your lawyer will help you determine how best to shape your estate to benefit your family and your community.
Of course, the most important consideration is your family – your spouse, your dependent children, grandchildren – they are, and should be, your first priority. However, once you’ve determined that they are well taken care of, you may want to consider the broader community in which they live.
Your advisors can help determine what a gift to the YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka and/or other charities might look like (bequest/RRSP beneficiary/gift of securities/residual or outright amounts), the timing of your gift (is there any advantage to making all or part of your gift during your lifetime?), and ensuring the legal wording is correct to ensure your gift can be executed in an efficient and effective manner for the estate.
Your advisors can also help ensure your gift reduces taxes for the estate as much as possible. Depending on the asset mix of your estate, a gift to a charity can actually reduce your taxes to the point that your other beneficiaries receive more than they would have with no charitable gift. And, you can be in control of how your hard work benefits the community, rather than leaving it up to the government.
Have those first conversations with your advisors today!
It’s time to start a conversation… with The YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka and/or other favourite charities.
Your legacy includes your family, your life’s work and the impact you have made in the community. Can it be more than that? Can you leave a legacy that will impact your community over the next 50 years, 100 years, 200 years?
Part of your legacy is your support for your favourite charities like the annual and/or capital gifts made to support the current needs of the YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka. These gifts make an immediate impact on the community that you can, and should, be proud of. Have you thought about how your generosity can continue? LEAVE A LEGACY™ is about perpetuity… leaving a gift that will impact the community for generations to come. Many legacy gifts are endowed, meaning the principal is never spent. Rather, a portion of the investment income is used annually to support the work of the YMCA. Think of it… a legacy that lives on forever!
Why is it important to have a conversation with the YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka? Because we want to understand what you envision when you consider the Y, and the impact we will be making in the community in 50 or 100 years. We want to work with you to realize that vision. Is there a specific program that stirs your passion, or are you comfortable with leaving the Board of Directors to steward your generosity and determine the area(s) of greatest need?
Talking to the YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka also ensures your advisors shape your gift to the best advantage for you, your estate and the YMCA, with the correct legal wording, charitable tax number and asset mix.
Have that first conversation with the YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka and/or other charities you wish to support today!
How do I make a planned gift?
To learn more about how to set up a legacy that will have a lasting impact on children and families in Simcoe/Muskoka, or to share your story, please click here ymcasm.ca/planned-giving or contact:
Laura Kelly,
Senior Director of Philanthropy,
laura.kelly@sm.ymca.ca | (705) 241-2278